Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Man on the Run

So, in case you've been stuck under a rock, I'm sure you heard that Democrats have taken over the house. The Senate is still undecided last I checked, but still, a strong message was sent to Washington: "Fix Iraq."

With the Dems now in some capacity of power, at least the capacity to call for investigations regarding 9/11, the Iraq War and probably a whole host of things that we aren't even aware of, I imagine nearly everyone fell out of their chairs laughing hysterically today with the news that Rumsfeld has resigned. Hello? What does that say?

Granted, as surely as I regained composure, my next thought was that of a scene from the movie Mars Attacks. The one where the martian leader makes the President (Jack Nicholson) momentarily believe that maybe he wants to be friends, but then just finds a really interesting and clever way to kill him. Let's hope that those of you in Washington are less gullible than our enemies and our past representatives.

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